Author Archives: mikki


Exposure to chlorinated tap water increases your risk of developing cancer. The chlorine used to kill bacteria and germs in tap water has prevented the spread of many diseases, but comes at a cost. According to the U.S. Council of Environmental Quality, the cancer risk among people drinking chlorinated water is 93% higher. Animal studies […]

Avoid Gaining Weight As You Age

The older we get the harder it seems to stay slim. This is due to the fact that our bodies and especially our metabolism starts to slow down as we age. While fat starts to build up quicker, the fat burning process slows down. In addition to that, people tend to become less active the […]

How To Build Muscle Faster

Be it to attract women, impress peers, become stronger or just feel confident, many men want to build bigger muscles. Nowadays people expect fast results and wwant to see changes quickly, but in contrary to what many advertisements promise, there are no shortcuts to building muscle mass. It is, however, possible to speed up the […]

Ease Menstrual Pain Naturally

Menstrual pain is very common and experienced by around 80% of women at some stage in their life. Some women suffer from painful periods from their early teens until their menopause. It is perfectly normal to experience some discomfort during menstruation, but if it becomes too extreme it is better to consult a doctor, because […]

Keep Your Skin Young & Firm With These Simple Tips

The way you treat your skin in your 20s will have a huge impact on how it will age and look in your 30s and 40s. As we age, our collagen production slows down resulting in slower skin regeneration and damage. Replenishing our collagen resources with preferably natural supplements can reduce a lot of the […]

How To Become More Manly

Many men aspire to be manly, but only few achieve it. Being manly is hard, and it should be! That’s what makes it so impressive and attractive. Manliness is not something you are born with, it is something you have to earn and work for. Physical and mental strength, confidence, bravery, sexual energy and reliability […]